City of Winter Haven Recognizes Incorporation Year with Brand New City Seal

by James Coulter

 The City of Winter Haven will officially recognize the year it became a city with its new seal.

 At their regular meeting on Mon. Feb. 24, Winter Haven city commissioners voted unanimously to approve the second reading of an ordinance adopting a new city seal.


The new seal retains the old seal’s original design, which includes an orange tree and the words “City of Winter Haven”, with the notable addition of the city’s incorporation year of 1911.

 The decision to update the city’s seal came about with the decision to replace the official embosser used to seal official city documents.

 “The original brass die plates have become flattened through the years, distorting the letters on one embosser and the tree on the other,” City Clerk Vanessa Castillo wrote in the city agenda memo.

“Additionally, the vintage embossers are heavy and cumbersome to operate when sealing a large volume of documents, which is a slow, inefficient process,” she further elucidated.

As the city would be acquiring a new machine, both the city attorney and city clerk agreed that the official city seal should also be updated.

Mayor Pro Tem Nathanial Birdsong remarked that the two circles on either side of the incorporation year within the seal bear a similar resemblance to the oranges on the tree, almost as if oranges had fallen off it.

City commissioners voted unanimously to approve the second reading of the ordinance. Now that it has been approved, the new seal will, as the memo states, “be saved and loaded to the City brand platform to ensure consistency moving forward.”

The post City of Winter Haven Recognizes Incorporation Year with Brand New City Seal first appeared on Winter Haven Daily.