Polk County Parks & Rec:

Polk County Parks and Recreation’s Rec@Home kits for December are all about the holiday season! Activity kit registration is free, but there is a limit of 500 registrations.

Our Rec@Home kits are packed with fun for your little explorers to do at home! Each kit will include the following free activities:

-“I Spy” Winter edition (game)
-Design a Holiday Sweater (craft)
-“Snowman Says” (game)
-“Help Find My Holiday Fit” (craft/activity)
-Secret Snowball (game)
-Christmas Charades (game)
-Holiday stickers

Kits will be mailed on Tuesday, Dec. 16.

Register here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/j2se2fr/lp/699f9ee8-b0b2-4776-adc0-4b105ea4eb5c?source_id=8ca0fd5b-3a4e-4462-a81f-8361f8386066&source_type=em&c=EkkDWw8FEwzh53KhjPUqLbWale9ij07ghy82Bvo6exreSxiFp58qxw==

The post Register Today for FREE Parks & Rec At Home Kits for the Kids first appeared on Winter Haven Daily.