Winter Haven Public Safety Department:
Saturday, the American Legion honored Detective Meredith Moore and Sgt. Mike Lango for their dedication to the citizens of Winter Haven in all the fantastic work they do on a daily basis.
Detective Moore was honored as the lead investigator in a homicide that occurred at a construction site just off Hwy. 17 NW. Through Detective Moore’s relentless efforts and determination, she located video along the trail near the construction site that showed a possible suspect.
Tips led to a possible suspect who was ultimately identified as being on the constructions site the night of the homicide, though he denied any involvements.
Additional interviews with the suspect by Detective Moore finally revealed that the suspect did in fact fight with the victim ultimately stabbing her, causing her death.
Detective Moore’s relentless and diligent investigative efforts gave the family of the victim some closure and ensured justice was served.
Sergeant Michael Lango has served the Winter Haven Police Department since 2009, working up the ranks to Sergeant after serving various positions in the Department.
Sgt. Lango’s duties have expanded over the years to include assisting with recruitment for the agency., He has been instrumental in increasing qualified applicants leading to increased staffing and significantly improving the department’s operational capacity.
Sgt. Lango’s selflessness is a defining trait. Always willing to change his duties with minimal notice for the betterment of the department. His dedication to his colleagues is truly commendable.

The post Two Winter Haven Officers Recognized for Their Achievements first appeared on Winter Haven Daily.